Thursday, January 22, 2015

Different Mediums of Communicating

Multimedia used to assess different mediums of communicating:

Communication Medium
Interpretation of Information
Changes from previous Interpretation
Which one was the best form of communication for the message?
Jane seemed to convey the message that she needs information that Mark has. He should get it to her as soon as he is able to. 

Jane seemed to need information from Mark and was somewhat stressed about not having it already. 
Something that I noticed more in this medium is that you can tell from Jane’s tone of voice that this is an important message and something to be done sooner rather than later. 

Jane seems friendly but nervous about not getting her information. This shows that she is not upset but needs the information quickly.
Also, from her facial features and tone of voice she is worried about missing her deadline than what is shown in her e-mail. 
Since this message is important for two deadlines to be met, I believe that face-to-face  communication would be the best medium for this message to be delivered.

 This activity shows different ways a design team can communicate with each other when working on a project. E-mail or text would be a good way to communicate non-urgent messages to the entire team. When something is urgent and a face-to-face communication is not able to happen then it would be best to use Voicemail to convey it. However, when facing an urgent matter, then a face-to-face encounter may be the best solution. This will allow the person receiving the message to not have the opportunity of ignoring it. Sometimes, texts can be misunderstood by others as well as audio messages. These tactics would also be true for group communications. 

Effective Change

I know that sometimes e-mail can be ineffective since it does not always properly convey what is important and what is not important. When changes need to be discussed, then it is probably best down either through teleconferencing, in person, or video conferencing. This will make the discussion less confusing and all parties will be able to get all the information at the same time. Also, if something is urgent, then again, e-mail is not the way to go. I communicate mostly through e-mail in my current position but I will rethink this as I go forward after going through this exercise and our resources from class this week. 


  1. Jodi,
    I agree with you when it comes to the information in your chart. Nonverbal cues and tone really effect the way that information is communicated. As a new educator, I have struggled with knowing how to effectively convey information to parents at times. I have had to learn the issues with tone through email and how to discuss student progress, even when it is negative, in an effective way to parents. This also goes with coworkers. Since email has no tone, I have had to learn how to know the difference in how to communicate.

  2. Face-to-face messages I believe are the best way to get urgent information out. If it is sent out through a text message or via email the information can be missed or not handles the way it should be. Messages through email and text don't always give the receiver the since of urgency that was intended. The only issue I see with this is then how do you get the message for everyone to meet at a certain time? Would email, text messages, or voice mail need to be used then? I think not, a quick stop by to tell everyone urgent meeting before leaving would suffice to get all the participants to meet without any miscommunications.
